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Martiros Manoukian 1947 -
THAT GREAT SOURCE OF POWER . . . creativity . .
How to get to san lazzaro degli armeni from venice
. is the life of Martiros, a man in love. Understand the sources of his incredible artistic capacity, and then realize what motivates this phenomenal artist. Martiros would be ecstatic never to speak of his life as a painter. A biographical sketch closest to his heart would be a book or exhibit of all his paintings which would say everything, without words.
Nevertheless his words do unfold some aspects of his life as an artist.
"I was born an artist. God gives each of us something at birth .
Venice lagoon. . a person doesn't become an artist, he is simply born an artist." And so it began for Martiros Manoukian, artist, born on August 5, 1947.
His talent emerged at an early age, and he began painting seriously at age eleven.
Even as a child, Martiros exhibited his great enthusiasm for freedom, adventure, and nature. Full of energy and the desire for self-expression, he was already quite the individual, re