Early settlers of singapore and their contributions
Munshi abdullah avenue...
The incredible resin paintings of Keng Lye
By Britt Appleton
Keng Lye is an artist from Signapore who specializes in realistic, 3-dimensional resin paintings, mainly of small fish.
It is the type of art where the process is as magical as the finished product.
Aroozoo avenue
I spoke to him about his work and this is what he told me:
"In 2011, my photographer friend, Gerald Gay, showed me a video on the great Japanese artist, Riusuke Fukahori. Gerald gave me a challenge - try and create 3-D resin art similar to the works of Riusuke Fukahori.
That was how I began to experiment in this art form. Since 2012 I have devoted myself to resin art, inspired by the great Japanese artist, Riusuke Fukahori.
After seeing the video on Riusuke Fukahori and experimenting with the resin & acrylic layering process, I have gained some experience and knowledge about this technique.
I start out by pouring resin into a container.
Cover it with plastic wrap so as to protect it from dust and let it hard