Rechungpa biography definition genre

          This book traces the lifestory of Rechungpa () - the student of the famous teacher Milarepa - using rare and little-known manuscripts.

        1. Genre: Biographies.
        2. "This book traces the lifestory of Rechungpa () - the student of the famous teacher Milarepa - using rare and little-known manuscripts.
        3. This life story begins with Rechungpa asking Lama Milarepa to tell the story of his life.
        4. Summary.
        5. "This book traces the lifestory of Rechungpa () - the student of the famous teacher Milarepa - using rare and little-known manuscripts....


          Rechungpa (ras chung pa, ras chung rdo rje grags pa, Vajrakirti), (/)

          Rechungpa (/) - detail of a Jinasagara thangka in Benchen monastery

          Patriarch of the Kagyu lineage.

          The so-called "moon-like“ disciple and foremost heart son of Milarepa. He met Milarepa at the age of eleven and spent many years studying and practising under the guidance of his master. He was a Repa (ras pa) like Milarepa, unlike Gampopa, who was a fully ordained monk.

          By examining the biographical corpus of Mar pa (?–?), the teacher of Mi la ras pa, and the first Tibetan master of the Bka' brgyud tradition, Ducher.

          At one time he even was married to a local princess for a while, before taking to the homeless life of a wandering yogin again. Rechungpa travelled to India three times and obtained teachings and transmissions which Marpa had not managed to receive in his time.

          In fact he was prophecied by Naropa, who said to Marpa that a descendant of his lineage would eventually come to receive more instructions on certain teachings. In particular he received the entire “nine-fold cycle of the formless Dakinis”, the lus med mkha' 'gro skor dgu,