Juliano brotman biography of donald
It has become the latest nutrition craze with celebrity followers, and a celebrity guru named Juliano Brotman..
By Holly Ocasio Rizzo, Chronicle Staff Writer
May 5,
In the world according to Juliano, cooked food kills.
"Look at every other creature on the planet," the single-name chef says. "They don't even get cavities in their teeth.
I was so excited to meet the raw food chef and best-selling author Juliano Brotman!
They're in absolute perfect shape, and they do not eat cooked foods. That, to me, is universal proof."
He drops another little piece of Thai coconut into a blender and presses a button. The problem with cooking, he says, is that it zaps the digestion-aiding enzymes in food; in compensating for the loss, the body focuses on digestion, diverting energy from making other enzymes that cleanse and heal.
The blender's whir fills Organica, the Inner Sunset restaurant formerly called Raw Experience that has brought him to the cusp of celebrity.
Raw is the first major guide to preparing gourmet raw cuisine, an introduction to the finest dining this planet has to offer, with unique dishes made entirely.
"I never drink water," he says. "You don't know what it picks up from the pipes. Water in jugs is stagnant, and it creates packaging, which i