Jan tombinski wiki

          Jan Tadeusz Tombiński (* 4.

        1. Wikipedia · Wikiquote.
        2. Jan Tadeusz Tombiński (born 4 October , Kraków) is a Polish historian and diplomat, Poland ambassador to Slovenia (–), France (–).
        3. W Krakowie) – polski historyk i dyplomata, w latach – stały przedstawiciel Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej przy Unii Europejskiej.
        4. Wikipedia).
        5. Jan Tadeusz Tombiński (born 4 October , Kraków) is a Polish historian and diplomat, Poland ambassador to Slovenia (–), France (–)..

          Jan Tombiński

          Polish diplomat

          Jan Tadeusz Tombiński (born 4 October 1958, Kraków)[1] is a Polish historian and diplomat, Poland ambassador to Slovenia (1996–1998), France (2001–2006), permanent representative to the European Union (2007–2012), and EU ambassador to Ukraine (2012–2016) and the Holy See (2016–2020).


          Tombiński in his youth, he was practicing fencing. In 1978, he was Poland junior vice champion in foil. He received his Master titles from German studies (1984) and history (1985) at the Jagiellonian University, Kraków.

          Jan Tombinski, EU Ambassador to Ukraine (–), reiterated, that justice is a prerequisite to ensure security among and within states.

          Shortly after graduation he was employed by the university library, since 1987 he was lecturer at the Jagiellonian University Institute of History.[2]

          During 1980s, he was active member of Poland dissident movement.

          Between 1981 and 1984 he was deputy head of the Jagiellonian University Independent Students’ Association. For a short period of time he was there head of the students' union.[3] He was also editor o