Wess roberts biography of martin luther
In unison, faces full of hope, in one voice, loudly, they quoted the entirety of Martin Luther King's "I Have A Dream" speech.!
The Life of Martin Luther: A Brief Biography of the Reformer
Martin Luther was a man whose heart was held captive to the Word of God.
He was used mightily by God to usher in the Protestant Reformation, which would serve to recover the core truths of the Gospel that had been obscured by medieval religion and superstition.
Here is a brief biography of the man who sparked the Reformation.
The Early Years
Martin Luther was born on November 10, 1483 in Eisleben, Germany to Margaret and Hans Luder (the original pronunciation).
Hans worked in the mining industry, even owning a few copper mines, but he wanted something better for his son.
Life of Martin Luther is a concise summary of Luther's significant life and contribution to evangelical Christianity.
Martin was sent off to boarding school and then to the University of Erfurt.
He was an excellent student. He soon earned both a bachelor’s and master’s degree and seemed to be well on his way to success as a law student.
But about a month into his legal studies, on the 2nd of June in 1505, Luther was on his way back to school from his parent’