Urban naxal

          Naxal attack

        1. Communist party of india (maoist)
        2. Maoist ideology
        3. Maoist malayalam movie
        4. नक्सलियों
        5. Maoist ideology!

          Brahmeshwar Singh

          Leader of upper caste militia in India

          Brahmeshwar Singh (13 March 1947[3]– 1 June 2012) also known as Brahmeshwar Mukhiya or Mukhiyaji, was the founder of an Anti-naxalitemilitia functioning as an upper caste landlord militant group Ranvir Sena in Bihar, India.

          On 1 June 2012, he was assassinated by unidentified gunmen.[4]

          Ranvir Sena, arrest, and acquittal

          Brahmeshwar Mukhiya was born in a Bhumihar family and later on became the leader of the Ranvir Sena soon after it was formed in 1994.[1] Mukhiyaji was suspected of involvement in the killings of hundreds of Naxalites who recruited people from poor and Dalit backgrounds.[5][1] In 2002, Singh was arrested on "carnage" charges, for which he faced the possibility of life imprisonment.[1] He spent nine years in jail awaiting trial and was released on bail and then later acquitted for insufficient evidence.[1]


          On 5 May 20