Leonid skotnikov biography of michaels
“This resolution applies also in full to the Kosovo Albanians, requiring them to play their full part in the restoration of normal life to Kosovo and in the.
Leonid Skotnikov, former Director of the Legal Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia; Madame Xue Hanqin, former Director-General of the.!
Sixtieth General Assembly
44th Meeting (AM & PM)
to international court of justice
The General Assembly today elected five judges to the International Court of Justice in four rounds of balloting, filling vacancies for terms of office that will expire on 5 February 2006.
Leonid Skotnikov ( Russian Federation), Kenneth Keith ( New Zealand), and Mohamed Bennouna ( Morocco) will sit at the Court for the first time. Bernardo Sepúlveda Amor ( Mexico) was a former ad litem judge. Thomas Buergenthal ( United States) was re-elected. All five will begin their new nine-year terms on 6 February 2006.
The election in the Assembly was held concurrently with one in the Security Council.
The Council required six rounds of secret balloting today, by the end of which the same five judges had obtained the required absolute majority.
The Hague-based International Court of Justice consists of 15 judges who are elected, regardless of their nat