Queen mother moore biography of michael
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Queen Mother: Black Nationalism, Reparations, and the Untold Story of Audley Moore
Queen Mother: Black Nationalism, Reparations, and the Untold Story of Audley Moore
When thousands of African American men heeded Nation of Islam (NOI) leader Louis Farrakhan’s call for a Million Man March in October 1995, organizers honored a few elder women activists.
One was Betty Shabazz, Malcolm X’s widow; another was Rosa Parks. A third was “Queen Mother” Audley Moore. Organizers featured Moore because she created or was involved in many of the major movement moments and organizations now considered to be central to twentieth-century black radical organizing.
Moore, Queen Mother Moore, a woman who migrated around the world, taking her Pan-Africanist and activist engagement across the US and back and forth across.Indeed, if Rosa Parks was the mother of the civil rights movement, then Audley Moore midwifed modern black nationalism. She adopted an expansive vision of radical black liberation that set her apart from her civil rights counterparts and linked her struggle with that of other radicals around the world.
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