Dennis c brimhall biography sample
Brimhall is the managing director of the Family History Department of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and CEO and president of.
“Every person who has ever lived has a right to be remembered and is a story waiting to be told”....
Dennis C. Brimhall Edit Profile
hospital executive
Dennis C. Brimhall, American hospital executive.
Brimhall, Dennis C. was born on September 8, in Provo, Utah, United States. Son of Delbert and Elinor (Brockbank) Brimhall.
Bachelor of Science in Zoology, Brigham Young University, Master of Business Administration, Northwestern University,
Evening administrator Evanston (Illinois) Hospital, Assistant administrator University Utah Hospital, Salt Lake City, , associate administrator, Associate director Medical Center, University California, San Francisco,
Associate vice chancellor Fitzsimons, University of Colorado Health Science Center.
President, Chief Executive Officer University Colorado Hospital, University Colorado Health Service Center, Denver, since Consultant in field; board directors executive committee University Health System Consortium (UCH).
Board directors Accreditation