Star trek online invalid biography sample
I honestly didn't know there was a text limit on the biography..
I'll hit the register button, enter all the info in, and then nothing happens.
According to the site, the next step should be verification...
but it doesn't move to that step.
I've tried 6 emails across 3 different browsers, and none are working. It's been several hours, and I've not gotten any sort of verification emails, either. Checked spam and all.
Another issue I'm running into now, is that every time I try to create an account it says 'invalid birthday'.
Anyone know how to fix this?
Edit: Forgot to mention--I have gotten an email from them on all of the ones I've tried, but nothing about verification.
There is a 'Play Now' button at the end of it.
This is meant to help your bugs be identified and hopefully fixed quicker, as well as remove some of the clutter/duplicate reports we often see.
On some browsers, the button does nothing, and on some it just takes me to the main site, not logged in.
Also, it won't let me use any of the emails I've tried again, saying they're already taken. So they are registered, at the very least...
but I can neither verify them, nor