Colin coull love actually reunion

          Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data.

        1. Our class is having a 20 year reunion for Oak Bay High School (Class of 04').
        2. Eight London couples try to deal with their relationships in different ways.
        3. 'Love Actually' follows the lives of eight very different couples dealing with their love lives, in various loosely and interrelated tales.
        4. Called Love Actually (), Keira played "Juliet", a newlywed whose husband's Best Man is secretly besotted with her.
        5. Eight London couples try to deal with their relationships in different ways..

          Love Actually cast set to reunite 20 years on: Where are they now

          The cast - including Emma Thompson, Hugh Grant, Billy Nighy, and Laura Linney - will come together once more.

          It has been 20 years since Love Actually aired and now the cast is reuniting.

          Christmas will come early for fans of the festive romcom as 'The Laughter & Secrets of Love Actually: 20 Years Later' will air on November 19, on ABC.

          The cast - including Emma Thompson, Hugh Grant, Billy Nighy, and Laura Linney - will come together once more.

          The one off, hour-long special will look at how the film became a beloved Christmas tradition and a global sensation, with new insight into behind-the-scenes secrets and iconic scenes.

          READ MORE: Full list of 134 movies and TV shows Netflix will axe before Christmas

          Love Actually came out in 2003 and sees a number of intertwined love stories taking place in London at Christmas.

          Audiences deemed it an instant Christmas classic.

          But what h