Tsar nicholas ii family
Tzar nicholas ii
Alexei nikolaevich, tsarevich of russia!
Crown Prince Alexei with his dog, Joy (picture from The SIberian TImes)
We all love a good mystery, and if it’s tied to an historic event then even better.
From Roswell to JFK, the theorists have had a field day speculating on endless scenarios and supposed cover-ups.
Such momentous mysteries are few and far between, but there was one which over the decades generated as much fodder for conspiracy theorists as the Kennedy assassination or UFOs.
It concerned the fate of Grand Duchess Anastasia, daughter to Tsar Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra of Russia.
The story begins on July 17, 1918 when the Tsar and Tsarina, their son, the Tsarevich Crown Prince Alexei, his four sisters, and four servants were ruthlessly gunned down and bayoneted by Red Army soldiers in the cellar of Ipatiev House, in Yekaterinburg, just as opposing White Army forces were closing in.
It was a brutal act that stunned many in a time when brutality was the norm.
The youth of the victims – the Tsarevich, Al