Paul klee facts
Paul klee style...
Paul klee fish 1921
Highway and Byways, 1929 by Paul Klee
This is the most important painting to come out of Paul Klee's trip to Egypt, from mid-December, 1929, to early January, 1930. He visited Luxor, Karnak, Thebes, Aswan, and Cairo.
The journey was nearly as great an experience as the earlier one to Tunisia. He must surely have had a fairly clear idea of what he was looking for.
Where are paul klee's paintingsIt is noteworthy that certain works done long before the journey exhibit similarities to the works inspired by Egypt.
Presumably Klee had made a study of Egypt and its millennial culture. On the way there, stopping in Syracuse, he felt that "historical sensibility in conjunction with nature is the right thing." Such a simultaneous view of time and space is crucial in the Egyptian pictures.
How he arrived at the strip pattern would require detailed studies, but it is somewhat easier to grasp is one is familiar with the pattern of Egyptian grain fields on either side of the Nile, pyramidal forms, and especially the s