Where is the river nile
30 facts about the river nile.
What resources does the nile river provide
Niles, D(aniel) T(hambyrajah) ()
World leader in ecumenism and evangelism
Niles was born in Jaffna, Ceylon (Sri Lanka), into a family of Congregational and Methodist ministers dating to the first Tamil convert in He was graduated from what is now United Theological College in Bangalore, India, later earning a doctorate at the University of London.
His ecumenical involvement began with the Student Christian Movement for India, Burma, and Ceylon and continued at the International Missionary Council meeting in Madras in He delivered the keynote address at the founding of the World Council of Churches (WCC) in Amsterdam () and also spoke at Evanston () and Uppsala ().
In the WCC he served successfully as chairman of the Youth Department, executive secretary of the Department of Evangelism, and one of the six world presidents. Meanwhile, he headed the Methodist Church of Ceylon, the National Christian Council of Ceylon, the World’s Student Christian Federation, and the East Asia Christ