Eric shiraev biography
Eric Shiraev is an....
Eric Shiraev took his academic degrees at St. Petersburg University in Russia and completed a post-doctoral program at UCLA.
Eric B Shiraev
Eric B Shiraev
Adjunct Faculty
Eric Shiraev took his academic degrees at St. Petersburg University in Russia and completed a post-doctoral program at UCLA. He is an author, co-author, and co-editor of nineteen books and numerous publications in the fields of international relations, political psychology, Russian, cross-cultural, and comparative studies.
He develops a distinct multi-disciplinary approach to government, social, and political behavior and emphasizes the role of identity and culture in politics and international relations. Besides his teaching and scholarly work, Eric Shiraev writes policy briefs and opinion essays for the government, NGOs, and the media.
One of his major publications is Cross-Cultural Psychology (6/e Routledge), which is translated in published in China, Indonesia, India, Czech Republic, and a few other countries.
Eric Shiraev is an author of International Relations published by Oxford University Press (3/e, co-authored