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          Waldorf steiner!

          A woman making her own way

          Few others have influenced anthroposophic medicine, pharmacy and curative education the way Ita Wegman has. A doctor dedicated to social causes, her many-sided life was shaped by fate time and again: in this article, we follow in her footsteps for a portion of it.

          The cosmopolitanism spirit was with Ita Wegman from birth: she was born in 1876 on the island of Java.

          Anthroposophic lifestyle

        1. Anthroposophic lifestyle
        2. Anthroposophical society nyc
        3. Waldorf steiner
        4. Steiner society
        5. Anthroposophic medicine
        6. This image shows her aged 40 in front of her house, which is now the Ita Wegman Institute in Arlesheim (Switzerland).
          Photo: WALA Heilmittel GmbH’s historical company archive

          Ita Wegman’s father was a colonial civil servant who managed a sugar factory, which allowed the family to achieve a certain degree of wealth.

          She excelled as a student so she received private lessons and was then sent to a secondary school in her native country of the Netherlands. As a result, Ita Wegman was already used to travelling from one world to another at a young age.

          On one of her trips between scho