Lauren dicioccio biography
Lauren dicioccio art
Lauren dicioccio thank you bag.
In 2005 I started working in “fiber”, using hand-sewing and hand-embroidery to make a body of work that explored the presence, and disappearance, of objects common to day-to-day life and the relationships we make to them. The materials, tools and time-intensive labor associated with the material conjure opposing feelings of precious and pathetic that these ubiquitous, and often disposable or overlooked, objects possess. As these mementos and artifacts of the everyday obsolesce, my work questions how the loss of their presence is felt, and why.
In making this work for the last nine years, I have found some answers to these questions and have resolved many of the ideas I was curious about in this work. Objects like the newspaper are very tactile and also dependable and loyal in their daily renewal.
Because of the comfort found in ritual and routine we build around the newspaper, the relationship we make to it is not dissimilar to a relationship we would make