Miles davis cause of death

          When was miles davis born.

          What is miles davis known for

        1. Miles davis family life
        2. When was miles davis born
        3. How old was miles davis when he died
        4. Miles davis interesting facts
        5. Miles Davis


          Who Was Miles Davis?

          Instrumental in the development of jazz, Miles Davis is considered one of the top musicians of his era. Born in Illinois in 1926, he traveled at age 18 to New York City to pursue music.

          Throughout his life, he was at the helm of a changing concept of jazz. Winner of eight Grammy awards, Davis died in 1991 from respiratory distress in Santa Monica, California.

          Early Life

          The son of a prosperous dental surgeon and a music teacher, Miles Davis was born Miles Dewey Davis III on May 26, 1926, in Alton, Illinois.

          When did miles davis start playing the trumpet

          Davis grew up in a supportive middle-class household, where he was introduced by his father to the trumpet at age 13.

          Davis quickly developed a talent for playing the trumpet under the private tutelage of Elwood Buchanan, a friend of his father who directed a music school.

          Buchanan emphasized playing the trumpet without vibrato, which was contrary to the common style used by trumpeters such as Louis Armstrong, and which wou