Heian period economy

          Empress shoshi!

          Sei Shōnagon

          Japanese author and court lady

          Sei Shōnagon (清少納言, c. 966–1017 or 1025) was a Japanese author, poet, and a court lady who served the Empress Teishi (Sadako) around the year 1000 during the middle Heian period.

          The pillow book

        1. The pillow book
        2. Tale of genji
        3. Empress shoshi
        4. Japanese pillow talk
        5. Heian era
        6. She is the author of The Pillow Book (枕草子, makura no sōshi).


          Sei Shōnagon's actual given name is not known. It was the custom among aristocrats in those days to call a court lady by a nickname taken from a court office belonging to her father or husband.[1]Sei (清) derives from her father's family name "Kiyohara" (the native Japanese reading of the first character is kiyo, while the Sino-Japanese reading is sei), while Shōnagon (少納言, "lesser councilor of state") refers to a government post.[1] Her relationship to this post is unknown, though—neither her father nor either of her two husbands held such a post.[1]Bun'ei Tsunoda [ja] has suggested that it may have belonged to a third h