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The top 100 Star Wars characters ever
Aliens, imperials, and droids — oh my! There are all sorts of characters that populate the Star Wars universe — a universe that consists of multiple films as well as live-action and animated TV/streaming series.
Biography movies
But among all the denizens of all the planets and all the Star Destroyers and all the Rebel bases, who are the best of the best? The Star Wars-obsessed writers of Entertainment Weekly embarked on a quest as seemingly impossible as blowing up a Death Star…TWICE!
Our Gold Squadron group of obsessives selected and ranked the top 100 onscreen Star Wars characters ever. Our rankings are based on folks seen in official movies or TV/streaming shows, and do not include characters who have only appeared in video games or as part of either expanded universe canon or legacy books.
(Sorry, Mara Jade!)
Who will take the top spot?
Where was george lucas bornMore importantly, how many members of the Max Rebo Band will make the cut? How will the Sith stack up? A