Brookside library

          Tulsa downtown library

        1. Tulsa downtown library
        2. Tulsa library research
        3. Tulsa library password
        4. Tcl library
        5. Tulsa library resources
        6. Tulsa library password.

          These databases will provide you with some background knowledge about particular time periods, cultural trends, and issues.  They contain reference articles that provide excellent overviews and context, along with other types of sources that can help you develop your topic and support your thesis.

          The 3 Gale in Context databases will work the same way as Biography - Gale in Context, providing relevant topic overviews, as well as links to related sources of many different types.  They also provide the same useful filtering options, such as Search Within Results and the Topic Finder.

          See Using Issues & Controversies and Issues & Controversies in American History for more information on the useful features in those databases.

          • Issues & Controversies in History - Facts on File

            Updated and changed, this offers full reports on issues and controversies in overall history with subject index, editorial cartoons, primary documents, and pro/con issues.

            Formerly was Issu