Riccardo cocciante margherita lyrics translation

          Riccardo Cocciante - Margherita lyrics (Italian) + English translation: I cant stay still / with hand into hand / I should do so many things / before to.

        1. What is there so beautiful in an unblooming rose?
        2. Read the english translation of Margherita with commentaries.
        3. Riccardo Cocciante - Margherita lyrics (Italian) + English translation: I cannot stay still / with hand in hand (with idle hands) / So many.
        4. Not fit in well with every songs.
        5. Read the english translation of Margherita with commentaries..

          (Saigon, 1946 – )

          The Life of Italy’s “Piano Man”. ByErnesto Virgulti (Brock University)

                      Riccardo (Richard Vincent) Cocciante was bornin 1946 to a French mother and Italian father (from Abruzzo) in Saigon (Vietnam), at the time part of French Indochina.

          A naturalized citizen of both Italy and France, he grew up speaking French (not Italian).  At age 11, his family moved to Rome, where Richard (Riccardo) attended the French international school Lycée Français Chateaubriand.  He quickly became fluent in Italian, English, and later Spanish and other languages (his plurilingualism would subsequently prove beneficial in his career).  Like numerous musicians in the pop-rock world (Beatles, Stones etc.), Cocciante had no formal musical training, quite remarkable given his accomplishments, which include composing not just innumerable songs, but four musical operas. 
