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Life of Prophet Muhammad in Urdu Pdf Download
You are here: Home/Islamic Books/ Life Of Muhammad Urdu By M Hussain Haikal Pdf
Book Name: Life Of Muhammad In Urdu
The book Hayat e Muhammad PBUH (Life Of Muhammad in Urdu Pdf) is an Urdu version of Muhammad Hussain Haikal’s famous writing (Haykal).
The author of the book was an eminent historian, Philosopher, biographer, journalist, and intellectual of Egypt. He is known for his famous books like Hazrat Abu Bakar, Sayyedna Umar, and Hayat e Muhammad.
The book Life Of Muhammad in Urdu Pdf contains the Prophet of Islam Hazrat Muhammad SAW’s life history.
Lessons from the life of prophet muhammad pdf
Hazrat Muhammad SAW is the last Prophet of Allah. He was selected as the final Prophet of the chain of Prophethood. The Muslims of all the world believe in his prophethood and his message.
Allah revealed his last book, Quran on Hazrat Muhammad PBUH.
Muhammad Hussain Haikal gave satisfactory answers to the question raised by the orientalists. He quoted authorit