Kambiz ghorbani children
Googoosh wikipedia...
Kambiz Ghorbani
Early Life of Kambiz Ghorbani
Kambiz ghorbani is the son of the iranian popstar googoosh.Kambiz ghorbani age
He was bonr in and grew up in egrmany and california. He mvoed to the united states in the late 90s and graduated from the university of california. Santa barbara. In He is now based in los angeles and works in the entertainment industry.
Kambiz ghorbani has wokred on several film projects as an assistant director.Kambiz ghorbani daughter
Producer. And editor. He has directed a short film. "the hands of fate," in He also wrote and directed a documentary.
Kambiz ghorbani wife
"the googoosh story," in It tells the story of the legendary iranian singer googoosh.
Music Career
In addition to being invovled in the film industry. Kambiz ghorbani is also a musician. He released his first album. "the golden age," in His music is a mix of traditional persian music.Hip-hop.
Is kambiz ghorbani aliveAnd electronic music. He has perfromed at various festivals and events aroudn the world. Including the coachella valley music and arts festival.