Giovanna calvino biography of rory
Giovanna Bentivoglio (Martina Stella: pretty, of limited acting ability, nude scene in episode 1).!
Italo Calvino: A daughter’s reminiscences
Some fathers never die.
Gurney's sympathetic, detailed biographical background places Henri-Alban Fournier in both his provincial background and his initiation into the exciting.
It is the case with mine, a writer, whose sudden death almost 30 years ago propelled him into immortality, and left me awkwardly straddling two realities; one from which he was irreversibly gone and another where he is forever present.
It proved impossible to spend any solid block of time in that first, heartbreaking reality and mourn him in peace — assuming there is such a thing as peaceful mourning — without being interrupted by regular and impetuous demands from the other one, where he was being read, published, reprinted, quoted, taught.
Every day I deal with matters pertaining to my father’s literary estate, his writing, his voice. Every day I imagine his skeptical gaze upon me as I try to make decisions in keeping with his wishes (or, more accurately, as I procrastinate about these decisions).
If Father’s Day is a day when you remember your father, appreciate him and assess his importance in your life, then