Francois quesnay contribution
Quesnay meaning!
François quesnay ideas
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(physis, nature, kratein, rule)
A school of writers on political and economic subjects that flourished in France in the second half of the eighteenth century, and attacked the monopolies, exclusive corporations, vexatious taxes, and various other abuses which had grown up under the mercantile system.
Statesmen of the mercantile school in France and elsewhere had adopted a system of tutelage which often gave an artificial growth to industry but which pressed hardly upon agriculture. The physiocrats proposed to advance the interests of agriculture by adopting a system of economic freedom.
François quesnay educationLaissez faire et laissez passer was their watchword. François Quesnay (), physician to Mme de Pompadour and Louis XV, founded the school (). The term "physiocracy" wa