Newsroom joe biden biography video
Valerie Biden Owens managed multiple senate campaigns and one presidential campaign.
"Growing Up Biden: A Memoir" Valerie Biden Owens managed multiple senate campaigns and one presidential campaign — all for her brother..
Biography Traces Political Mistakes And Personal Scars That Shaped Joe Biden
As a young man, Joe Biden was fixated on a singular goal: "On his first date with his future wife, he told her mother that he wanted to grow up to be president," New Yorkerwriter Evan Osnos says.
Osnos, who writes about the Democratic presidential candidate in his new book, Joe Biden: The Life, the Run, and What Matters Now, notes that the 2020 election represents Biden's third bid for the presidency.
In 1987, during Biden's first run, "he was regarded as a bit of an arrogant guy, a bit of a blowhard in a town, after all, that is known for blowhards," Osnos says.
A few weeks after the 9/11 attacks, Joe Biden joined Face the Nation and discussed his hopes for a stable government in Afghanistan.That campaign ended abruptly after Biden was accused of plagiarizing a speech by British politician Neil Kinnock.
"The joke became that Joe Biden was not an authentic person," Osnos says. "It took him a while to acknowledge that it was, as he later put it, his own arrogance that cost him that race."
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